

Why You Need an Engineering Consultant To Build Your Convenience Store – And What They Do


What you’ll learn: The role of your engineering + design team, choosing a location, the 3 design phases and more.

Design, engineering, and permitting work represents approximately 75% of the total time to build a convenience store. Yet it is perhaps the least understood.

This guide explains the key considerations, steps, and processes that go into the planning and design of a gas station & convenience store – and the vital role your engineering partner will play.


In this free guide:

3 phases of convenience store & gas station design

3 phases of
convenience store &
gas station design

Understanding the role of your engineering & design partner

Understanding the role
of your engineering &
design partner

Key factors that influence your convenience store layout

Key factors that
influence your convenience store layout

Why it pays to hire an experienced design partner

Why it pays to hire an
experienced design